Monday morning, not as early as it looks, starting the
first pit.

Trenches 1468 (showing make up for a golf tee), 1476
(showing highly significant puddled clay over a bed of
sand) and 1487(Showing the top of a gravel terrace)

The complete kit for recording tree pits...

... and a whole load of section drawings.

Tuesday morning, what a contrast weather wise, just
starting the first pit at the extreme northern end of
the Queen's Theatre.

... and at the end of the day trenches south of the
Doric Arch reveal... a gravel path... perhaps?

There are many compensations for working at Stowe but
the view as I was packing up the jeep at the end of day
on Tuesday was quite special.
Monday December
Paul had machine dug four lengthy trenches the
previous week continuing the search south of the
Doric Arch for footpaths by stripping away turf and
topsoil. Unfortunately the weekend was a wet one and
Monday morning saw some trenches partially flooded
whilst in the others the archaeology was the
consistency of cake mix. Even so we managed to
clarify and record evidence for a couple of paths in
trenches 1500 and 1501 as well as extending 1503 in
an attempt to understand what was happening with a
spread of what looks very much like puddled clay,
what on earth is it doing there? In addition to that
we have further traces of a red sandy gravel path
with some significant finds of pot, bone and clay
pipe accumulating along its edge. Lots to think
about but it will all have to wait... until 2021!