Hanwell Park Project
to Introduction and Contents

Enstone environs - contours redrawn from current OS 1:25000 map, springs (blue circles) taken from OS 1:2,500 map 1881
There can be no doubt that the location of the Enstone Marvels
was brought about by a particular combination of geology and
topography. The nature of the underlying rocks has determined the
specific pattern of drainage involving springs and streams in
the area and getting to grips with this will be a major part of the study.
A start can be made by considering the interesting account in Jordan's
1857 history of Enstone (Jordan 1857: 19).
The small house referred to above,
although much extended, survives to this day as does the cellar and
well beneath it. We were fortunate in receiving an invitation from the
current owners who have been in residence for many years and who have
made considerable improvements to the property and gardens. The
cellar itself is rectangular, roughly 3 by 6 metres, and lined with
whitewashed rubble walls. It is a little over 2 metres deep. The well
exists towards the south west corner as a rectangular shaft set in a
modern concrete floor. The shaft is stone lined and roughly half a
metre deep, there is some silting on the base and the remains of some
metal fitments which may be part of a valve or pumping mechanism. the
water within the shaft is remarkably clear. Apparently the level is
fairly consistent and the supply has never failed. Currently there is
no obvious pipework, as described above, associated with the well but
if water is still channeled from a source further up the valley there
must be a course for it to flow in and out of the cellar. Adjacent to
the well a former opening which marks the position of the original
flight of steps is now filled with concrete block work but a curved
slab of stone survives as the original bottom step. A section of the
'very pipes made of freestone' is said to exist in the garden but we
will need to wait until the winter months to examine it once the
vegetation dies down.

The well in the corner of the cellar, view looking south west.
In the garden to
the south of the house is a further spring known, as the current
occupants were told when they moved in, as the Bushell. This
formerly emerged into a shallow rectangular stone lined niche set back
into the hill slope. Because of its fragile condition the water was re
channeled into a modern pipe which now empties into a large rectangular
stone lined pool attached to the south. Naming it after Bushell further
underlines its significance in connection with the supply of
water to the
There is also an object lesson to be had here, imagine our excitement
at the site of a weathered carved stone head emerging from the waters,
imagine our disappointment to learn it was a garden gnome called Noah
transformed by many years exposure to the elements.